Cocaine overdose is a serious risk in Australia, potentially leading to severe side effects or death. This article discusses the signs of overdose, associated risks, and emergency response actions.
With millions of people around the world suffering from the disease of addiction, finding proper treatment is a major public health concern. But which methods really do work best?
With the WHO estimating the number of people with a drug abuse problem to be at least 15.3 million in 2010, and approximately 10% of Americans alone having some form of addiction – treatment is a major public health concern. But how do we know what treatment works?
It is important to take stock of recent advances in addiction treatment, as numerous studies have been conducted into the elements of treatment that are most effective.
1. Evidence-Based Treatment
When considering treatments, perhaps the most important consideration is that treatment be supported by evidence. Typically, evidence-based treatments are those with successful treatment outcomes – and the one with the most outstanding results in addiction treatment is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Experts in high-quality centres are then trained in such treatments. The most successful treatment centres usually draw upon a number of research-backed treatments to obtain results.
2. Individualised Treatment
While there are protocols and approaches which are successful, they must nonetheless be tailored to individual clients. Unfortunately, in an effort to reduce costs, some treatment centres give all clients a standardised treatment with a set schedule. This may seem productive and give everyone an equal chance to recover; however, each person has a unique case with psychological, family, work, and social factors contributing to their addiction.
All quality treatment centres offer individualised treatments. A programme is usually tailored to the client’s specific needs based on the initial clinical consultation and then adjusted in accordance with that person’s progress in treatment – but most importantly it should stretch to include recovery maintenance.
3. One-on-One Psychotherapy
Residential treatment is most successful when it includes one-on-one counselling with a trained clinician. Research shows that addicts require at least two psychotherapy sessions per week to achieve results. Psychotherapy provides a supportive relationship in which to examine and work through the causes of addiction. It provides a safe place in which to understand the original causes of addiction, what contributes to continued addiction, and the insight needed to fully recover from addiction.
4. The Stages of Change
Dr. James Prochaska developed the Stages of Change model to help understand and predict changes in therapy. Change occurs in a predictable manner, and understanding stages of change helps provide effective treatment based on where you are, as well as analysing and overcoming any obstacles to change. Specialists at The Cabin use insights from this model to support clients in effective recovery as well as in the maintenance of sobriety after treatment concludes.
5. Integrated, Holistic Treatment
There are many approaches to addiction treatment, sometimes with divergent methods and strategies. While techniques vary, what matters most are caring, competent staff and treatment that is tailored for the individual. Effective treatment should ideally draw upon the leading research-based approaches and integrate them holistically. At The Cabin, clinicians integrate Cognitive Behavioral, progressive 12-Step methodology, 3 Circles and Mindfulness Therapy to help clients achieve recovery. They work as a team to identify the causes of your addiction and collaboratively plan the most effective treatment plan. As treatment progresses, they continue to monitor and adjust the plan to offer you highly-individualised care.