Cocaine overdose is a serious risk in Australia, potentially leading to severe side effects or death. This article discusses the signs of overdose, associated risks, and emergency response actions.

The Cabin Sydney is a specialist addiction treatment centre dealing with substance addictions, such as alcohol and drugs, as well as process addictions like gambling, sex and compulsive use of the internet.
Part of The Cabin Addiction Services Group, The Cabin Sydney represents the first multinational addiction treatment centre to enter the New South Wales and Australian market and brings with it the latest in proven, effective and holistic addiction treatment provided by a team of clinical professionals with many years of experience in the field of addiction. The Cabin Sydney offers confidential assessments.
As part of The Cabin Addiction Services Group, The Cabin Sydney has privileged access to Asia’s leading inpatient addiction treatment centres, The Cabin Rehab.
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We Are Available 24/7 For You Or Your Loved Ones
If you or someone you love is struggling, we’re here for you. Instead of a quick fix, our compassionate team of experts at The Cabin is waiting to help you begin your journey toward long-term recovery that focuses on the whole person by addressing any underlying mental health conditions or trauma.
When you call, they will lead you through a series of questions to determine if The Cabin is a good fit, and how soon your treatment can begin. If you are interested in The Cabin for yourself or a loved one, call or fill out an admissions form today!
Our services cover the treatment of all kinds of addiction.
What causes addiction and what are the reasons why it affects you?
Meet our professional team of physicians and clinical staff in Sydney.
Collaborative partnerships ensure the highest quality care for your client.
Suite 506, Eastpoint Tower
180 Ocean Street
NSW 2027
All enquiries and scheduling appointments: 10am to 9pm.
Counselling appointments between 9am and 7pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm on Saturday.